Montana Futsal referees
Futsal is a growing sport similar to soccer that is typically played 5v5 indoors on a hard court surface with an out-of-bound goal and touch lines, smaller goals, and slightly modified Laws. It is different from "Indoor," where walls are typically present that the ball can be played off of. Both are fun to play; however, Futsal tends to be more like an outdoor game, requiring better passing and control to keep the ball in play.
There are typically one or two Futsal referees used for each game who travel the touchlines and stay out of the way of play. For the youth game, a single referee is normal.
The game is growing here in Montana, with leagues forming and tournaments each year. US Soccer requires events that would like to be sanctioned to hire USSF-certified assignors and USSF Futsal-certified referees. Below are the instruction to register for and complete the online course. No in-person training is required at this time, and you do not need to be certified as an outdoor referee either, but it helps.

You must be 13+ years of age when registering.
Read the Futsal Laws of the Game book.
Complete all online coursework, safety requirements (Safesport, Safe and Healthy Playing Environments, Background Check,) and quiz.
Upon completion, a Futsal badge will be mailed within 30 days.
Step 1: Start at OMS
All former Montana referees have been imported into OMS. DO NOT CREATE A NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION!
You may need to make a new account if you've never been a referee before.
Go to Officials Management Systems (OMS).
Click on "Member Sign In" or "New Member Registration."
Enter your email address as the user name. (Same email as the US Soccer Learning Center.)
Your default password is your last name, all in CAPITAL letters. (You will be immediately prompted to update your password.)
Visit your Member Profile area to verify your address and information are accurate.
Advice: Let your local assignors know that you have completed the Futsal course once completed.