Getting Paid


Each league, tournament or friendly match will likely have a different method of paying you for your services.  It's important to stay updated and ask your assignor about the payment method and amount before working the game.  For some games you'll be handed cash on the field, others a check may be mailed to you at the end of the tournament or the league may send you payment via direct deposit.  In any case, it's the referee's responsibility to know what needs to be done to get paid according to the policies in place.  If you're not sure what to do to get paid, contact your local assignor or the tournament assignor and ask.  Game reports may also be required to be submitted before pay may be issued.

Montana Youth Soccer Association Games

Most 11U-19U youth games in Montana are considered "League" games and are run by Montana Youth Soccer Association (MYSA).  Some towns also have recreational programs, be sure you know the difference before working the matches.

MYSA issues pay every 2 weeks via direct deposit for games completed and a full game report submitted by the center referee.  It's your job to keep records of your games and which have been paid. If you're missing a payment, likely the game report hasn't been submitted and it will be included in the next round of payments once received.  Where you want your payment to go can be set up in your Assignr account.

Policy 8-200 - REFEREE PAY

The following is the mandatory minimum referee fee to be paid for all Montana Youth Soccer Association sanctioned competitive games.

9U-10U   Center $30.00, each Assistant Referee $15.00

11U-12U Center $35.00, each Assistant Referees $20.00

13U-14U Center $40.00, each Assistant Referees $25.00

15U-16U Center $50.00, each Assistant Referees $35.00

17U-19U 80-Minute Match Center $60.00, each Assistant Referees $40.00

17U-19U 90-Minute Match Center $70.00, each Assistant Referees $45.00

Available Bonuses

If a 13U or older match is missing one or both certified AR’s and Club Lines are utilized to fill the missing positions, the center referee will receive one additional AR fee at the end of the league season. Referees are not allowed to dismiss assigned AR’s or turn away certified AR’s present on site of the game to take advantage of this offer. A referee may be disciplined if found to be doing so. 

Revised 10/12/2023

Local Academy and Adult Games

Many towns in Montana run local Adult, Youth Academy, Youth Micro, Kiwanas, or YMCA soccer.  These matches are assigned separately from MYSA, so as a referee you'll need to understand what league you're being asked to referee for.  Ask the person that is assigning you to matches a few questions like: